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Top Coconut Nutrition and Health Benefits

You know how delicious, refreshing and hydrating coconut water can be after a tough workout. What you might not know: Coconut in most of its forms can amp up your health in a number of surprising ways – and it’s super-easy to use this yummy fruit to your advantage every single day.

According to data from the United States Department of Agriculture, 100 grams of raw coconut contains 3.33 grams of protein, 15.2 grams of carbohydrate, 9 grams of fiber, plus many other vitamins and minerals.

“Various parts of the coconut offer different https://ninetenrapidcare.com/ health benefits,” says Laura Iu, RD, CDN, a registered dietitian nutritionist and certified intuitive eating counselor in New York City. “Coconut meat, the white fleshy part of the coconut, is rich in nutrients like fiber, B vitamins and minerals like copper, manganese and iron, while the water is rich in electrolytes.”

Coconut health benefits

Let’s take a closer look at six key ways coconut can make a positive impact on how your body functions – and how it can make you feel great.

1. Coconut is an amazing energy booster.

“Coconut meat is rich in medium chain triglycerides, which is a type of saturated fat that’s metabolized for quick energy,” says Iu. “Athletes may find it beneficial.” The easiest way for coconut to supercharge your stamina? Eat some before, during and after you exercise.

“Dried coconut can amp up the flavor in trail mix, granola and breakfast cookies, among other recipes,” says Marisa Moore, RDN, author of The Plant Love Kitchen.

2. Coconut is great for your bones.

“Coconut is rich in manganese, which is essential for bone health,” says Moore. “A 1.5 oz portion of fresh coconut meat provides 30% of the daily recommended value.” Coconut also boasts 113 milligrams of phosphorus in a 100 gram serving – phosphorous is crucial for building strong bones, so enjoy coconut for a snack on a regular basis.

3. Coconut is rich in fiber.

Your body needs fiber to properly manage the sugar in your system – this regulates your appetite, and keeps your blood sugar at healthy levels. Good news: coconut is loaded with it. Keep this in mind: “The amount of fiber in coconut depends on the part of the coconut, the product and preparation,” says Iu. “For example, a cup of raw coconut meat offers about 7 grams of dietary fiber, while 1 cup of coconut water is less than 1 gram.” One perfect way to incorporate it into your diet? “With 4g fiber in a 1.5 oz piece, fresh coconut is a high fiber option to add a tropical twist to smoothies,” suggests Moore.

4. Coconut may offer protection against Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers at Central Michigan University reported that the medium chain fatty acid (MCFA) found in coconut forms ketones, chemicals that break down fats. These ketones are thought to offset the presence of brain glucose hypometabolism, an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers said that more research is needed, and pointed to a small pilot study in which patients who ate a coconut-rich Mediterranean diet had improvements in some cognitive functions, compared to those in the study who ate a similar diet without coconut.

5. Coconut can improve your smile.

Want to boost your oral health? According to Penn Medicine, coconut oil pulling is one way to prevent tooth decay, plus soothe bleeding gums and get rid of bad breath by zapping bacteria in your mouth. Research from 2020 backs that up. To do it, swish 1–2 teaspoons of coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes. (Yes —that’s a long time to keep this up!) When you spit, the theory is that you’ll be rid of the toxins that the oil drew out of your mouth. It’s important to keep brushing and flossing too, of course, advises Cleveland Clinic – but coconut oil could be a healthy addition to your usual dental care to help you zap plaque and sidestep gingivitis for good!

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